Sunday, 27 May 2012


Complete redesign occured after discussion during tutorial. The spacial layout of my original design was simply not up to the same standards of other designs. To compensate for this, I realised it was better to start again and re-create the same ideals in a better more efficient layout and design.

The main feature of this design that was lacking from my original was that it is all based around a single point and purpose. Instead of chopping and changing my last design I focussed solely on how i wanted my building to be experienced and perceived.

[should be third floor]

Friday, 4 May 2012

Further Development

Adding to the devoid space I added two greenhouse spaces to replicate the nature of the prehistoric brisbane area. The eco areas were used to move through the space going from one level to the next. Each of the exhibition spaces were centered around the animals I chose to include in the design.


The above images are a walkthrough the space highlighting the greenhouse areas which cut up and intersect the exhibition spaces to create a more varied learning experience.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

A1 Summary Poster

A1 Poster created to sum up the key ideas and give the strongest points of the design, core concepts and metaphor. The portions on the poster are text driven as they are conceptual ideas that are difficult to represent with images. The design required a general background theory into how and why i chose the  choices i did in the design of the outer shell and the learning building. The model massing, the strongest point was given special consideration as to how the design moved in the direction it did.

Email if you desire a larger more detailed copy.